Maps and Journeys - Skype Meeting #2

Within this call we introduced Mister Nick into our project, we thought as we were doing two very similar projects it was easier to combine them both and make one super project altogether. We decided to adapt our #Scavenger idea and take it a little bit further, thus coming up with the following adaptations. Also I have provided some links to websites that show the kind of project we are going for, including something called HHN Compound and Urban Quests which are our main influences for the idea. (password RECON)

1st Adaptation:
Mini Challenges around Farnham
Aimed at Students and Families
Can be done whenever
Hints are given via QR code once challenge completed
History facts about Farnham will be given on the webpage loaded by QR code
Hashtag feed on twitter to show progress of groups
Some groups will be given cameras to record the challenges 
Maybe based around a theme
 - Sherlock
 - Agatha Christie
We want to provide something free for Students and Families to do around the Farnham area, mainly because there doesn't seem to be anything of interest and cost free. So we thought of mini challenges that we can post around the area, and have QR codes that are revealed once the challenges are completed. This then links to a website where you will receive a video with a hint in it, also if you are interested in Farnham there will be facts about the area for people to read. 

2nd Adaptation:
Mini Challenges around Farnham
Aimed at Students
Can be done within a month, leading up to a prize night
Each challenge is based around first year experiences
Hashtag that allows the competitors to provide us with evidence of what they've done
Some groups will be given cameras to record the challenges 
Perhaps have videos sent on the first day with a challenge and a hint at the end for where the QR code for the next days challenge will be
Prizes/Trophy given at the end towards the team who gains the most points
Posters that link to a countdown, provided through a QR code, that leads down to the day the challenges begin
Have a sign up form for teams to sign up with

We want to provide an event spanning across two weeks, that includes a variety of different challenges involving teams or solo students of UCA. These challenges will be received through hints given to the participants once they've completed each one. Also each hint links to a historical location/event in Farnham area, making students subconsciously learn about their surroundings. Each of the challenges set is based around experiences that you would have in your first year of University, and involves things such as learning to budget and making new friends, which leads to finding the Ultimate Student which will hopefully draw people in to do the event. 
The competitors will be encouraged to use social media, and a hashtag created for the event, to  show their process throughout the challenges. This will also mean we have evidence that they have completed the task, and for each task completed they will receive points for the team. These points will build up over time and hopefully we will be able to create a finale event for the top teams, to find who is the Ultimate Student/s.
To advertise the event we want to put up posters around the University with a QR code linking to a countdown and sign up sheet, also written on it will be a question along the lines of "Have you got what it takes to be the Ultimate Student?" so it's mysterious and gets people to look on the QR code.
We will also be documenting some of the challenges, and the hashtag, so that we can show our work and progress within the project. For the assessment we would like to have a room with screens showing people doing the challenges, and behind the scenes of us making it. Plus have a map of where all the challenges are, and all our plans and tests of the challenges and hints. Also have a projection of the hashtag feed so that we can show all the outcomes of the challenges, and how each of them went for the teams. The way we show our piece in a gallery came from looking at Land Art and artists like Marina Abramovic; where they create temporary art but display it in galleries by documenting the event. For example with Marina Abramovic's Rhythm series; when they asked her to display it in a gallery she couldn't recreate the whole event, but instead she had footage of the event and on a table in front she displayed all the objects that were used. 

Challenges Examples:

1. Learning to Budget - Each group must dress one of their members in the weirdest costume they can, by only spending £3 in a charity shop and we must see photographic evidence of the receipt to know they spent no more. Also they must attend the SU wearing the outfit, and have photographic evidence of that happening. They will also find the next QR code hint at the SU event.

2. Meeting Deadlines - An egg and spoon with a deadline. Each team will have transport an egg from A to B without dropping, and we will mark each egg with a UV pen so that we know they haven't cheated. Also if they are in teams they will have to relay the race, meaning that they will have to learn to work as a team to complete the task. 

3. Research - Each team must nominate one person to complete this challenge. They will be provided with the book reference, page, line, and word of a book in the library. They will then collect these words together providing an anagram for where the next QR code is. An example of this will be if the next QR code was in the registry office, so they would collect the words "terrific eye fogs".


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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