Inside the album was plain brown pages, and between each page was something like tracing paper which were used to protect photos. From research I'd done on old photo albums this seemed perfect as I could recreate the 1960s feel, almost like the following example:
The other things that I had to think about was how the photographs were black and white, as well as the white border around them, and in some photo albums they have photo corners to keep the photographs in place which are unfortunately incredibly expensive these days.
So I made the decision to print off my photographs for the recreation album in black and white, which I actually think works really well. I also bought card from the shop I purchased the album, with which I've began making photo corners, I tried two different ways to create them but ended up choosing cutting triangles out of the card over making them from origami.
I took the card and created strips which I could cut into squares, I then started to make them into little squares that would fit the corners. Once enough were made to cover every photo, I then placed double sided tape on the back of each. After this, I cut up each square into two and began placing them onto the corners of the photos, this worked really well and looked quite good.

The next obstacle was placing the photographs into the album, this became a real challenge for me as I had a variety of options for placing them onto the page. The first was to just have the photographs on the page by themselves, so this would mean having the same pattern of photographs repeating throughout. The second option was placing them in different patterns on the pages, and then having a memory from my mum written in with it.
For this version I chose the clutter idea, which when looking back on it wasn't the best plan, also I was in a "I just want this to be over" kind of mood meaning that I'd just do anything to get it done instead of worrying about quality. However, this was finally understood by me and I began creating a new version of the album, and that can be seen in a separate post.
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