Studio Shoot - Synopsis

We open in a prison cell type room resembling that of a mental asylum. There is a distinct lack of colour in the room everything being grey or the colour is toned down. The decor of the room hints at this being an unforgiving no creative place. There is no sense of personality or flare around, the furniture is basic with textbooks and a few old VHS tapes placed around the room.
You hear a door being opened and that character being thrown into the cell and the door shuts behind them. The character is wearing a straight jacket. You hear a voice stating 'you can't come out until you learn to be less creative'.
Not liking the cell in the few seconds they have been in there the character breaks out of the straight jacket. After the character burst their way out of the jacket, they begin to start frantically tearing away at the walls. After tearing away at a few layers of the wall paper, they then see a crack start to form where they then force there way through the wall. The character then crawls through the hole in the wall landing in a futuristic room full of TVs. On these televisions are footage of previous work from DFSA, this showcases the fun and educational things we create in digital film and screen arts. The camera then pans out showing us filming and the studio space we have been aloud yet again showcasing the good points of DFSA.
At the end there is a promotional message saying ' if you are interested in taking up a creative course in film , animation and screen arts go to for more information'


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